Citrus Basket L
Citrus Basket L

Citrus Basket L


Woven Basket in Brown with White Stripe – Size L

Bring natural elegance to your home with this beautifully woven basket in a warm brown tone, accented by a crisp white stripe in the middle. This basket is part of a set and serves as the large-sized option, offering a perfect blend of functionality and style for your storage needs.

With its sturdy and versatile design, this basket is ideal for organizing blankets, toys, laundry, or other household items. The absence of handles gives it a sleek and minimalist look, making it a stylish addition to any room in your home.


Large Basket: Height 45 cm x Diameter 50 cm

Key Features:

  • Handwoven design with a natural brown finish and a white stripe accent
  • Durable and lightweight for versatile use
  • Sleek, handle-free design for a minimalist aesthetic
  • Part of a set for cohesive storage solutions

Combine practicality and style with this woven basket, a timeless piece to keep your space organized and effortlessly chic.